The Arab Framework Agreement of Liberalization of Trade in Services Among Arab Countries

This agreement aims to liberalise trade in services among Arab countries by establishing a general framework for the gradual liberalisation of trade in services and creating an enabling environment to facilitate trade in services among the nations. It aims at enhancing and activating the Arab economic cooperation and integration and promoting the common interests of Arab countries in the field of services on the basis of mutual benefit and balance between rights and obligations.

About the Agreement

Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment

Each party shall provide the services and service suppliers of any one member with the most favourable treatment provided to similar services and service providers of any other member. The agreement shall not be interpreted in such a way that could preclude any party to grant benefits to neighbouring countries to facilitate the trade-off of services that are produced and consumed locally only within the neighbouring regions.

Wider Liberalisation

The provisions of this agreement may not be interpreted in such a way that grant benefits to member countries in other blocs or agreements that are developed to apply a wider liberalisation of trade in services among the members of this agreement.

Labour Markets Integration Agreements

The provisions of this agreement shall not preclude its parties from entering into an agreement that aims to achieve the full integration of the labour markets between its parties provided the following conditions are met:


Government Procurement

The provisions of Clauses 4, 21 and 22 hereof do not apply to the laws, regulations and conditions that ensure that the government entities access to services through procurement for governmental purposes other than reselling them for commercial purposes or using them in supplying services for commercial sale. The parties shall implement all obligations imposed by multilateral negotiations on governmental procurements in the services field which are conducted within the framework of the World Trade Organization (WTO). This agreement does not prevent parties from conducting negotiations on government procurement.


Access to Markets