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FDC-DOAS - Series Flow Fan Powered Terminal Unit with DOAS


The Price FDC-DOAS series fan powered terminal unit with a sensible cooling coil is an excellent solution for imparting large sensible loads on the zone when a Dedicated Outdoor Air System is utilized.

With unit heights between 15 1/4” and 20 1/8”, and airflow ranges between 100 and 2400 CFM, the FDC-DOAS proves to be an excellent solution for air volume control in restricted ceiling spaces and rooms of any size with variable occupancy. The FDC-DOAS provides ventilation air, and total air volume independently of one another in response to different control signals.

A variety of options and accessories, including electric reheat, hot water reheat, and factory mounted valve packages, are available to meet specific job requirements.

Typical Applications

The FDC-DOAS is an ideal solution for areas that require constant volume air delivery when ceiling space is limited or restricted. Low sound levels throughout the entire operating range further simplify the task of positioning these terminal units within the ceiling plenum. The highly configurable FDC-DOAS includes an efficient EC motor as well as a variety of hot water and electric reheat options.
The sensible cooling coil is used with the FDC as part of a dedicated outdoor air system (DOAS). With optimized coil circuitry and 2 through 8-row coil configurations (6 or 8 row being most typical), the FDC-DOAS can be selected to reduce primary air supply to minimum ventilation requirements while ensuring ASHRAE 62.1 compliance.