Standard Vendor Agreement: Definition & Sample


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What is a Standard Vendor Agreement?

A standard vendor agreement is a contract between a vendor and an organization that identifies the goods and/or services that will be provided in exchange for payment. The contract will include the specific terms and conditions of the services and/or goods the vendor provides. Vendor agreements may be used for events, such as food fairs, arts festivals, or weddings.

A vendor contract should specify the details of the work the vendor will complete, provide for the quality of any goods provided, the contract term, payment terms, and an indemnity provisions that will cover any loss arising from negligence.

Common Sections in Standard Vendor Agreements

Below is a list of common sections included in Standard Vendor Agreements. These sections are linked to the below sample agreement for you to explore.

Standard Vendor Agreement Sample

MASTER VENDOR AGREEMENT (goods for resale)

THIS MASTER VENDOR AGREEMENT (“Agreement”) is effective as of the ___ day of 20__ (“Effective Date”), by and between PetSmart Home Office, Inc., a Delaware corporation, located at 19601 North 27th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85027 (“PetSmart”) and Oculus Innovative Sciences, Inc., a California company/corporation, located at 1129 N. McDowell Blvd, Petaluma, CA, and its affiliates, agents and subcontractors (collectively, “Vendor”). PetSmart and Vendor are sometimes collectively referred to in this Agreement as the “Parties”' and individually as a “Party.”

WHEREAS, Vendor is in the business of sourcing and selling Products (as defined below), and PetSmart may desire to purchase Products from Vendor for sale to consumers from time to time; and

WHEREAS, Vendor is ready willing and able to furnish the Products to PetSmart; and

WHEREAS, PetSmart and Vendor desire to enter into this Agreement to establish the terms and conditions under which PetSmart may place one or more “Purchase Orders” or “'P.O.” (as defined herein) with Vendor for the procurement of Products.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, promises and covenants set forth below and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:

1. Terms of Purchase . Vendor shall supply and sell to PetSmart the Products in accordance with (i) this Agreement, (ii) the P.O., (iii) the P.O. Terms and Conditions set forth on Exhibit B (the “P.O. Terms”), (iv) all Applicable Laws, and (v) PetSmart' s requirements and standards related to the Products and their production (e.g., social compliance requirements, supplier code of conduct, quality standards, FDA/FSMA and food related requirements, etc.) as may be communicated by PetSmart to Vendor from time to time (collectively the “'PetSmart Standards”), which include without limitation the documents listed on the attached Exhibit A, PetSmart Standards, and the documents available at, or such other website or portal that is communicate by PetSmart to Vendor from time to time. Vendor acknowledges it has received and reviewed the current versions of the PetSmart Standards. The terms, conditions and requirements set forth in this Agreement, the P.O., the P.O. Terms, the PetSmart Standards, and Applicable Laws are collectively referred to as the "PetSmart Requirements." Vendor acknowledges that it will be subject to penalties or chargebacks, as specified in the PetSmart Requirements, if it fails to comply with the PetSmart Requirements. In the event of any inconsistency between this Agreement and the PetSmart Requirements (other than Applicable Laws), this Agreement shall govern. Any additional or different terms or conditions proposed by Vendor in any quotation, acknowledgment or other document are hereby deemed to be material alterations of this Agreement and notice of objection is hereby given, and any such proposed terms or conditions shall be void ab initio .

2. Services . Vendor acknowledges that certain actions and services are inherent and required in supplying and selling the Products to PetSmart, and Vendor will provide all such services, including without limitation the testing, packaging, maintenance, warehousing and transportation as necessary to deliver the Products in accordance with the PetSmart Requirements (collectively referred to as the "Services"). If any of Vendor's employees, agents, representatives or other third parties are present in any of PetSmart's retail stores, distribution centers, or offices, Vendor shall ensure that such employee, agent, representative or third party complies with all of PetSmart's scheduling, login, tracking, and similar requirements.

3. ORDERS . The term '”Purchase Order” or “P.O.” means a purchase order or purchase form and all related communications regarding the procurement of Products (e.g., order characteristics such as amount, size, costs, fees, specifications and country of delivery) provided by PetSmart to Vendor through any means agreed to between PetSmart and Vendor, such as e-mail, EDI or other electronic exchanges. Each P.O. is subject to certain commercial terms as agreed to in writing by the Parties and set forth on a "Commercial Terms of Purchase" (an example of which is attached hereto as Exhibit C) or similar document, which may be amended from time to time by the written agreement of the Parties. PetSmart has no obligation whatsoever to place any P.0. with Vendor or purchase Products from Vendor. If any forecasts or projections are provided by PetSmart to Vendor or otherwise discussed between the Parties, they are purely for Vendor’s convenience and shall not be binding on either Party. No proposal by Vendor shall be accepted or deemed accepted by PetSmart unless and until PetSmart accepts the proposal in a written P.O., which PetSmart is not obligated to accept. The P.O. shall be deemed placed with Vendor upon being confirmed by PetSmart in writing in the manner P.O.s are typically communicated between PetSmart and Vendor in their normal course of dealings. The P.O. shall be deemed accepted by Vendor when approved or otherwise accepted by Vendor, including via email, EDI or other electronic exchange. PetSmart may amend or cancel a P.O. by written or electronic notice to Vendor. If PetSmart amends or cancels a P.O., Vendor shall use reasonable endeavors to mitigate any loss it may suffer in connection with such cancellation or amendment, but in compliance with this Agreement.

4. DELIVERY . Vendor shall deliver the Products purchased under each P.O. by the delivery date set out in the P.O., but such Products shall not be delivered more than five (5) business days (or such shorter period of time as set forth in the PetSmart Requirements) in advance of the delivery date without the prior written consent of PetSmart. Vendor shall deliver all Products covered by a single P.O. in a single delivery unless PetSmart requests delivery in installments, or as otherwise required under the PetSmart Requirements. PetSmart's acceptance of a delivery containing less than the required quantity shall not relieve Vendor of its obligation to deliver the balance of the ordered Products.

If the Products are not delivered by Vendor as specified in the P.O. or they are Non-Conforming Products (as defined in Section 5 below), then, without limiting any other right or remedy PetSmart may have, PetSmart may: (i) refuse to take any attempted delivery of Products under the P.O.; (ii) require Vendor to air freight the Products covered by the P.O. at Vendor’s sole cost and expense; (iii) obtain substitute products from another vendor and recover from Vendor any costs and expenses reasonably incurred by PetSmart in obtaining such substitute products, which Vendor shall reimburse within thirty (30) days; and (iv) claim damages for any other costs, expenses or losses directly or indirectly resulting from Vendor's failure to deliver the Product pursuant to the P.O. or the PetSmart Requirements.

Vendor shall deliver testing samples of the Products in accordance with PetSmart’s instructions, or the instructions of a third party designated by PetSmart.

5. ACCEPTANCE AND NON-CONFORMING PRODUCTS . A “Non-Conforming Product” means any Product that (i) fails to conform with any PetSmart Requirement in any respect whatsoever, including without limitation quantities, styles, sizes, quality, materials, components, fit, colors, workmanship, stitching (or adhesion or other joinery method), odor, design, product quality standards or requirements, or any other requirement, term or condition; (ii) fails to pass any third- party test assessing conformity with the PetSmart Requirements; (iii) fails to conform to the confirmation sample approved by PetSmart; (iv) is not as represented, warranted, or presented to and approved by PetSmart; (v) is shipped or delivered to PetSmart in violation of Section 4; or (vi) is the subject of a Recall (as defined in Section 9).

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PetSmart may, at Vendor's sole risk and expense, hold or return to Vendor any Non-Confirming Product, and may charge Vendor for the cost of shipping, unpacking, examining, re-packing, warehousing, reshipping, duties, fees and other internal and external related expenses (including but not limited to the internal cost of labor) in relation to the Non- Conforming Product. If PetSmart does not offset such charges against amounts owed to Vendor, Vendor shall pay to PetSmart the entire amount of such charges within ten (10) business days after being notified by PetSmart as to the amount of such charges. If the Non-Conforming Products are to be returned to Vendor, Vendor shall take full title and risk of loss for such Non-Conforming Products as designated by PetSmart (and if not designated by PetSmart then FOB PetSmart’s distribution center or retail store from which Products are being shipped). Vendor shall not dispose of such Non-Conforming Products other than as permitted under this Agreement or any other directions provided by PetSmart in writing. Unless the P.O. or Commercial Terms of Purchase specify otherwise, a damage allowance (deduction) of one and one-half percent (1.5%) for Products classified by PetSmart as “consumables”, two percent (2.0%) for Products classified by PetSmart as “hard-goods” and two and one-half percent (2.5%) for Products classified by PetSmart as “specialty” shall be applied to each P.O., and Vendor shall be responsible for reimbursing PetSmart for Products that are unsalable (as determined by PetSmart) or have a damage rate in excess of these default damage allowance rates.

For purposes of establishing Non-Conformity, PetSmart shall not be deemed to have accepted any Products unless and until it has had a reasonable time after the Products have been made available to it to inspect for Non-Conformity. Such inspection period shall be extended if, in PetSmart's judgment, the complexity of the Products, the quantity received, or any other circumstances makes such extension reasonable to afford PetSmart an adequate opportunity to inspect the Products. Any unpacking or handling of the Products incident to PetSmart's inspection shall not indicate PetSmart's acceptance of the Products. PetSmart's inspection of the Products shall not relieve Vendor of its obligations hereunder or of any liability for any latent or other defects in the Products. At PetSmart's discretion, such inspection may include preliminary, final, and/or random inspections. PetSmart reserves the right to revoke acceptance of the Products whenever it discovers an instance of Non-Conformity, even if the time for inspection of the Products has passed. In no event will payment of the Product Fee or any other amount by PetSmart to Vendor constitute acceptance of a Non-Conforming Product.

PetSmart reserves the right to cancel without cost or penalty all or any part of the undelivered portion of a P.O., or to refuse to accept delivery of the Products if Vendor breaches any of the PetSmart Requirements. PetSmart also reserves the right to cancel without cost or penalty any P.O. that is delayed as a result of a Force Majeure Event. If PetSmart cancels a P.O. or any portion of a P.O. for any reason, or returns Products covered by a P.O. to Vendor pursuant to rejection or refusal to accept, Vendor shall not sell Products that have been labeled, packaged or tagged with PetSmart's or its affiliate’s Intellectual Property without first obtaining PetSmart's written permission. Vendor shall also comply with any instructions provided by PetSmart regarding the disposal of such Products. In any event, Vendor shall not sell such Products (including any related packaging) until it removes or obliterates any mark, tag, Intellectual Property, or label identifying it with PetSmart or its affiliates to PetSmart’s satisfaction.

6. TITLE AND RISK OF LOSS . Except as otherwise specified by PetSmart in the P.O., title and risk of loss for the Products shall pass to PetSmart as follows:

a.Products for which PetSmart is the importer of record, (i) risk of loss shall pass from Vendor to PetSmart F.O.B. vessel port of export, and (ii) title to the Products shall pass from Vendor to PetSmart upon customs clearance of the Products at the port of entry in the country of final destination (“Customs Clearance”). For Products that are customs cleared prior to arrival at their port of entry, Customs Clearance shall be deemed to be the time that such Products are unloaded from the carrying vessel at the port of entry.
b.Products for which PetSmart is not the importer of record, title and risk of loss shall transfer to PetSmart Delivered Duty Paid (D.D.P. - Incoterms 2010) to a destination specified in the P.O. and, if the destination is not specified in the P.O., such destination shall be deemed to be the PetSmart distribution center or retail store where such Products are to be delivered.
c.If Vendor is shipping Products directly to consumers (e.g., fulfilling website or mobile sales), then title and risk of loss shall not transfer to PetSmart and the same shall be between Vendor and the consumer.

For certain orders, PetSmart may direct that title to the Products shall pass from Vendor to PetSmart at a specific transfer point rather than at Customs Clearance, and in such cases PetSmart will specify in the applicable P.O. that the designated Products shall be delivered “F.O.B. transfer point.” The terms for transfer of title set forth herein shall be irrevocable in all instances, and in no event will Vendor retain or assert any security interest, lien or other claim in or against the Products or the title thereto, regardless of whether the invoice for such Products has been paid or not, and whether arising under common law, statute or under any agreement, financing statement, or other document containing any terms inconsistent with or in addition to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

7. PRODUCT FEE . The P.O. shall list the price Vendor is charging PetSmart for the Products (the “Product Fee”). The Product Fee may be modified by the Parties’ mutual written agreement, but in no event may the Product Fee be increased after the commercial documents associated with any particular Product have been tendered to the consolidator designated by PetSmart. Unless otherwise specified in the P.O., the Product Fee will include all costs for packaging, transportation, and all applicable taxes and other governmental charges (including, without limitation, value-added taxes, customs duties, customs brokerage fees, and similar charges).

Vendor represents and warrants that (i) the terms of each P.O. will be equal to or more favorable than the terms of purchase between Vendor and its other customers for similar quantities of like Products and (ii) the Product Fee is not in excess of the price charged to Vendor’s other customers for similar quantities of like Products. If Vendor sells any product that is identical or substantially similar either in appearance, functionality or quality to the Products for less than the Product Fee charged to PetSmart, Vendor shall reduce the Product Fee to match the lower price for so long as the lower price is available and shall refund PetSmart the difference between the Product Fee and the lower price it charged for such identical or similar products after Vendor began charging the lower price.

8. TERMS OF PAYMENT . Vendor shall submit invoices to PetSmart as required in the PetSmart Requirements. PetSmart will pay Vendor according to the terms set forth in the P.O., which will be subject to discounts and other adjustments in accordance with the PetSmart Requirements or the Commercial Terms of Purchase. If the P.O. does not specify the due date for payment, the invoice shall be payable within forty (40) days from the later of (i) the date the Products ordered under the P.O. are delivered to destination set for in the P.O. (and if no destination is set forth in the P.O., PetSmart distribution center or retail store), or (ii) the date on which PetSmart receives a properly submitted invoice from Vendor.

If PetSmart disputes any portion of an invoice, PetSmart will notify Vendor in writing and if the Parties are not able to resolve the dispute within ninety (90) days the dispute shall be resolved in accordance with Section 24 below. Vendor must notify PetSmart of any invoice or payment disputes within thirty (30) days of payment. If Vendor does not notify PetSmart of a dispute within such thirty (30) days it shall have waived its right to dispute such invoice or payment. Vendor's obligations to supply the Products shall not be affected by any payment disputes. PetSmart shall be entitled to set off any amounts owed from Vendor to PetSmart against any amounts owed from PetSmart to under this Agreement or any other agreement between the Parties. Any payments owing from Vendor to PetSmart that are not timely paid shall be subject to interest at a rate of five percent (5.0%) A.P.R. (or, if lower, the maximum amount permitted by law).

9. PRODUCT RECALL . PetSmart will have the sole right to negotiate and enter into a settlement(s) with any governmental agency or official with respect to any potential fine, penalty, issue, or liability related to a Non-Conforming Product or any allegation that the Product fails to comply with Applicable Laws or industry standards. Vendor may request that any Non-Conforming Products be returned to Vendor for examination at Vendor's sole cost and expense. Such return by PetSmart will not be deemed a waiver of any right or remedy that PetSmart may have as a result of or in connection with such Non-Conforming Products. Vendor shall not sell or otherwise dispose of the any such Non- Conforming Products or parts and components without the written consent of PetSmart.

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Vendor shall immediately give PetSmart written notice of (i) all quality control test results and data for any Product that do not satisfy the PetSmart Requirements; (ii) any known or suspected deviation in standard manufacturing processes that results in a Non-Conforming Product; (iii) any Product that fails or is alleged to have failed to comply with any consumer product safety requirement contained in the specifications, industry standards, or standards promulgated by a governmental agency or Applicable Laws; or (iv) any defect, issue or design regarding a Product that could create a risk of injury to an individual or animal. If Vendor receives notice of a recall, harmful ingredients, or defects in the Product, Vendor shall notify PetSmart immediately.

Vendor shall promptly furnish to PetSmart all documentation, information and data regarding the Product necessary or helpful to PetSmart, as determined in PetSmart’s sole discretion, to aid PetSmart to comply with its legal obligations or to mitigate any safety hazard posed by a Product.

If PetSmart is required or chooses, in its sole discretion, to recall, give public notice of hazard or defect associated with, withdraw from its proposed chain of resale, remove from its shelves, return to Vendor, or otherwise dispose of or render unusable (a "Recall") any Product purchased from Vendor for any reason, and whether or not such Product otherwise complies with the PetSmart Requirements, Vendor will reimburse PetSmart for all amounts paid or incurred by it in connection with such Recall within thirty (30) Business Days after receipt of PetSmart's invoice.

In addition to any other right provided in this Agreement or by law, PetSmart may, at its sole discretion, immediately cancel any or all P.O.s, suspend all deliveries of Products, or terminate this Agreement if: (i) Vendor fails to promptly begin remedying an alleged non-compliance, risk or defect of the types referred to above; (ii) a governmental agency concludes that any Product fails to comply with any consumer product safety laws, requirements, rules, specifications, or standards in any jurisdiction where the Products are sold; or (iii) Vendor fails to promptly and fully cooperate with PetSmart in the investigation of any product safety hazard or Non-Conforming Product.

10. WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS . Vendor represents and warrants to PetSmart that the Products, components, parts, designs, and/or concepts designed, developed or manufactured by Vendor, its employees, agents, and any process for the manufacturing of the Products, together with packaging, labeling, documentation, transportation, and/or anything else furnished by Vendor, shall: (i) be free from defects in design, workmanship, materials, and hazards to life, animal, or property; (ii) be merchantable, suitable, and fit for their intended purposes and conform to any warranty, description, or sample provided to PetSmart; (iii) be in conformance with the PetSmart Requirements, and any data, drawings, representations, specifications, and documentation relating to the Product; (iv) do not violate, use or infringe any existing or pending third-party intellectual property rights; (v) do not breach any agreement between Vendor and any third-party; (vi) be supported by proper evidence and documentation (which shall be supplied to PetSmart upon request), such as test results, for any efficacy, performance or similar claims made on or about the Product or its packaging or labeling; and (vii) be in compliance with Applicable Laws.

In addition, Vendor represents and warrants that: (i) this Agreement has been validly executed and delivered and constitutes a legal, valid, and binding obligation enforceable against Vendor; (ii) the person executing the Agreement on behalf of Vendor has the requisite capacity and authority to enter into this Agreement; (iii) Vendor has the legal right to sell the Product; (iv) no consent of any other person, political body, board of directors, or entity is necessary for Vendor to enter into and fully perform this Agreement; (v) all information, invoices, and documents provided to PetSmart by Vendor are true, complete, and accurate; (vi) Vendor shall, upon request, promptly provide any and all records and/or documentation, and provide other reasonable assistance as may be necessary or desirable for purposes of PetSmart’s compliance with Applicable Laws; (vii) Vendor shall perform its obligations under this Agreement in compliance with all Applicable Laws; (viii) Vendor or its staff, employees, agents, sub-contractors and/or representatives did not and will not offer, solicit, accept or provide any commissions, payments, gifts, advantages, kickbacks, lavish or extensive entertainment or other things of value, directly or indirectly, to any employees, members of any employee’s family, or any agent of PetSmart or any governmental authorities where such payments would constitute a bribe or any illegal payment under Applicable Laws or the PetSmart Requirements; (ix) Vendor will cooperate with PetSmart in any and all governmental agency or department inquiries or investigations related to the Product, or third-party litigation related to the Product; (x) Vendor shall ensure that all personnel hired and working for Vendor on this Agreement are authorized to work in the United States; and (xi) if the Products bear any third-party Intellectual Property Vendor hereby grants and sublicenses to PetSmart all rights necessary for PetSmart to distribute, market, advertise and sell the Products at retail.

The foregoing warranties are in addition to all warranties implied by law and shall survive delivery, inspection, acceptance, and payment. All warranties will survive delivery of the Product and will not be deemed waived, terminated, or merged by PetSmart upon acceptance of or payment for the Product. Vendor is not relying on any warranties, representations, assurances, or inducements that are not expressly set forth in this Agreement (and PetSmart hereby expressly disclaims the same).

“Applicable Laws” means all United States, state, Canadian, international, provincial, and local laws, enactments, orders, ordinances, directives, rules, regulations and regulatory requirements, including without limitation those listed below and/or relating to: (i) the manufacture, packing, packaging, marking, storage, handling and delivery of the Product; (ii) testing specifications for the Products or warnings with respect to the Product, its labeling, or its contents; (ii) product safety, environment protection, human health, labor, industry, disposal, restriction and sale of the Product; (iii) the handling, storage, data privacy and security of personal information; (iv) advertising claims substantiation; (iv) country of origin, import and export laws; and (v) including without limitation, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the Bribery Act 2010, Anti-Unfair Competition Law of PRC, the Criminal Law of PRC, the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (POBO) of Hong Kong, the Federal Trade Commission Act, the Robinson-Patman Act, the Hazardous Substances Act, the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, The Food Safety Modernization Act, the Consumer Products Safety Act, the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Flammable Fabrics Act, the Fur Products Labeling Act, the Textile Fiber Labeling Act, the United States Department of Transportation regulations, the Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986 (commonly referred to as Proposition 65), the Canada Stuffed Article Act, the United States Environmental Protection Agency regulations, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) regulations and measures, and OSHA regulations.

To the extent Vendor provides any equipment or fixtures in connection with the Products (“Vendor Equipment”) or to the extent Vendor's delivery, stocking, maintenance, promotion or removal of the Products require Vendor to enter an of PetSmart's premises, the following additional terms and provisions shall apply: (i) Vendor agrees that the warranties set forth herein apply to all Vendor Equipment and related Services and the same will be provided in a good and workmanlike manner; (ii) Vendor shall, at its expense, obtain all licenses and permits and shall pay all inspection fees necessary in connection with the maintenance or installation of Vendor Equipment and performance of any related Services; (iii) Vendor agrees that the indemnification and defense provisions set forth in this Agreement shall apply to any claim that any person or entity may make against PetSmart or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates arising out of or otherwise relating to the Vendor Equipment or related Services; (iv) the insurance required to be obtained and maintained by Vendor under this Agreement shall provide coverage with respect to the Vendor Equipment and related Services; and (v) PetSmart has no obligation to maintain any Vendor Equipment or to provide notice to Vendor of any failure of or damage to any Vendor Equipment.

11. AUDIT RIGHT . PetSmart shall have the right to inspect and audit the manufacture, quality, transport, handling, and storage of Products both before and after shipment. PetSmart and/or its agents or representatives may enter Vendor's premises, factories or facilities during Vendor's customary business hours to inspect, audit and test any Products, Vendor's processes, and any materials, components, or work-in-progress to be used in the manufacture of any Products, whether such entrance is announced or unannounced. Vendor shall co-operate with, and provide reasonable assistance to PetSmart or its authorized representative(s) in the conduct of any such audit and ensure that such persons shall have access to the premises at which the Products are being manufactured.

12. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY . “Intellectual Property” means any patents, utility models, rights to inventions, copyright and neighboring and related rights, trademarks, service marks, business names and domain names, rights in get- up and trade dress, unique or distinctive elements of the Product or Product designs, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off or unfair competition, rights in designs, database rights, rights to use, and protect the confidentiality of, Confidential Information, and all other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including all applications and rights to apply for and be granted, renewals or extensions of, and rights to claim priority from, such rights and all similar or equivalent rights or forms of protection which subsist or will subsist now or in the future in any part of the world. If the Products bear any Intellectual Property that are owned or authorized by PetSmart, Vendor shall (a) only affix the Intellectual Property to the Products strictly in accordance with PetSmart’s instructions, (b) not alter the Intellectual Property in any way whatsoever, (c) not affix the Intellectual Property or similar marks to any other products made by Vendor, and (d) not use any Intellectual Property in any manner or in connection with any products or the publication of any materials (including in connection with any third-party's products, trade mark, trade name, symbol or copyright material) other than in accordance with this Agreement and the PetSmart Requirements. PetSmart shall at all times own and have exclusive right, title and interest in and to all of its Confidential Information and Intellectual Property, and PetSmart shall retain the exclusive right to license, sell, transfer and otherwise use and dispose of the same.

Vendor shall not (a) acquire any interest or claim in any of PetSmart’s Intellectual Property on account of or related to this Agreement or the manufacture of the Products, or (b) apply for any patent or other Intellectual Property rights right therefore. Vendor hereby acknowledges that the ownership of all Intellectual Property is and shall at all times remain PetSmart’s sole property, and that any use thereof or goodwill associated thereto in relation to the Products shall inure to the exclusive benefit of PetSmart and its affiliates, and that nothing in this Agreement will confer on Vendor any right, title or interest in, to or under any of PetSmart’s Intellectual Property. Vendor, its employees and agents shall not contest or assist a third-party in contesting the validity of PetSmart's Intellectual Property worldwide. In the event Vendor at any time obtains or claims any rights in or to the Intellectual Property, Vendor shall promptly notify PetSmart of such event and immediately transfer such rights to PetSmart or its affiliates, as directed by PetSmart, and provide all required assistance and documentation related to such transfer. For such purposes, Vendor hereby appoints PetSmart as its attorney-in-fact for the transfer of such rights.

Vendor agrees that any new invention, enhancement, specification, drawing, formula, improvement, or other data or information of a secret, proprietary, or confidential nature that is developed or acquired by Vendor or any of its employees or agents in connection with the manufacture of any Products bearing a PetSmart Intellectual Property or utilizing and PetSmart Intellectual Property shall be fully and immediately disclosed, and shall belong exclusively to PetSmart. The Parties acknowledge that all work performed by Vendor for PetSmart or any affiliate related to such Products shall be deemed a “work made for hire.” Vendor hereby assigns to PetSmart any right, title, and interest in and to all creations and Inventions that Vendor may have without additional consideration. Vendor agrees to execute and deliver any documents and do all other things (including the giving of testimony) requested by PetSmart in order to vest more fully in PetSmart or any affiliate all ownership rights in the creations and inventions (including obtaining patent, copyright or trademark protection therefore in the United States and/or foreign countries).

13. INSURANCE . During the Term and for a period of five (5) years afterwards, Vendor shall maintain in force the following insurance policies with reputable insurance companies authorized by law to conduct business in the United States and Canada with the financial rating of at least A-VII status, as rated in the most recent edition of Best's Insurance Reports: (i) a commercial general liability insurance policy with full limits, achieved either by primary or excess/umbrella insurance, for bodily injury and property damage for not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00 USD) per occurrence, with an aggregate limit of Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000.00 USD), such policies to include products liability and contractual liability; (ii) automobile liability insurance policy with limits not less than Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000.00 USD) combined single limit; (iii) workers’ compensation in compliance with local legislation and employer’s liability with a One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00 USD) limit per, and (iv) if services are provided under the P.O. or in connection with Products sold under a P.O., a professional liability or errors and omissions policy with limits not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000 USD) per occurrence and Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000 USD) aggregate; provided, however, PetSmart retains the right to require Vendor to provide increased levels of commercial general liability insurance if it provides certain types of Products, such as Products with electronic components, glass, etc.