Hand Washing Tips for Child Care Providers

adult washing hands

Washing your hands and the children’s hands, or encouraging them to wash their hands, is one of the best ways to reduce the spread of disease. Child care providers should be washing their hands many times throughout the day.

When Child Care Providers Should Wash Their Hands

Some of the key times to wash your hands include:

Tips to Make Hand Washing in Child Care More Effective

In order for hand washing to be effective in eliminating germs, child care providers must learn – and teach children – how to wash their hands properly. Here are some important tips to ensure that children and child care providers wash their hands thoroughly while in the child care program.

For More Information

Proper, thorough hand washing is the child care provider’s best tool to prevent the spread of illness in the child care program. To learn more, check out the following eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care articles: