Anyone doing business or soliciting for business in the City of Orange Beach must have a Business License. Business Licenses are issued by the Finance Department for new businesses as needed and annually each January for ongoing businesses. Renewal notices are mailed, however, it is the responsibility of the business to meet the renewal deadline whether they have received the renewal notice or not.
If you have any questions or additional information, contact Timeka Cunningham at 251-981-6096.
All forms may be filled in online and either printed and mailed or submitted online, by clicking the Submit and Sign button. For electronic submission, click the Submit & Sign button, it will email you a copy and submit it to us. Once our office can review your application we will contact you regarding payment.
*These forms are not for Renewals. Renewals are mailed in late December and are due by January 31st.
The Revenue mailing address is:
P.O. Box 1159
Orange Beach, AL 36561